A SUPers Blog from a Chilly Perth

A good friend and annual visitor to Exmouth recently spent a few weeks up here. We scored some great sessions out on the SUP’s. I was always amazed that even on the chilliest mornings he rocked it without a wettie hence why I found this following story from his first session back down South so amusing.

The SUPers Blog

It has been a grumpy week down in the south city dwelling and a shock to the body in terms of air temperature. But plans for Saturday were looking good as potential double of SURP boats and a trip to Rotto. Alas SUP captain 1 had to call off due to. . . So SUP captain 2 headed to Cott to check out conditions as due to inadequate attire for the arctic conditions, something more than board shorts were needed. So succumbed to checking out the Indian Ocean Paddles whilst warming up on a coffee.

Alas the time came to go and invest in some arctic gear and a rip curl summer short john was purchased and now prepared for the conditions the wait begun for some arctic swell!

After a few delays a late afternoon paddle was on and the hardy committed paddler waded through the jungle seaweed and upon getting to knee depth jumped up on his board before frozen balls could occur. The sun then started to peak through the rain clouds and a few sets started to arrive. The challenge was not to fall in and after40 mins or so a sweat was starting to form so had to brave the waters and jump in and with simultaneous christening of the short John, frozen balls were thankfully avoided. Then the fun really begun and a series of fun thigh high sets came through and the whopper ruled both left and right!

As the sun set behind the clouds a rainbow shimmer appeared on the water as a warming beer and Toblerone were enjoyed in good company! Do you need pristine conditions to enjoy a SUP?SUP